© 2025 Kneippbyn Resort
Accommodation on Gotland - 5 matches
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5 accommodations
Hotel |
Kneippbyn Activity Centre. Stay next-door to Pippi’s Villekulla Cottage, 4 km south of Visby. Kneippbyn offersoffers 750 beds at a range of prices. Stay in a camping cottage, self-catering cottage, flat or hotel.
Camping |
Located in a scenic area near the sea and close to Kneippbyn's Summer & Waterland.
Visby outside the city walls
Visby outside the city walls
Cabins |
Drömstugebyn is a privately owned holiday cottage village (BRF) which is right next to the Kneippbyn Resort. There are three types of cabins between 30-45 square meters. All cottages have a kitchen and shower/wc. All cottages have their own verand...
Visby outside the city walls
Visby outside the city walls
Cabins |
Kneippbyn Activity Centre. Stay next-door to Pippi’s Villekulla Cottage, 4 km south of Visby. Kneippbyn offersoffers 700 beds at a range of prices. Stay in a camping cottage, self-catering cottage, flat or hotel.
Visby outside the city walls
Visby outside the city walls
Hotel |
Kneippbyn Activity Centre. Stay next-door to Pippi’s Villekulla Cottage, 4 km south of Visby. Kneippbyn offersoffers 750 beds at a range of prices. Stay in a camping cottage, self-catering cottage, flat or hotel.
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